In June, Selva hosts the popular two-day event ‘Fira de ses Herbes’. The fiesta, which began in the year 2000, is a celebration of the traditional use of herbs in Mallorcan culture. Wild herbs were collected and used for medicine, cosmetics, cookery, magic and to adorn local festivals. Exhibitions, tasting of traditional food and drink, conferences, demonstrations and courses around the subject take place.
On the Sunday, a market is held selling products related to herbs, as well as the principal celebration which includes the collection of wild myrtle from the mountains, brought into the town in horse drawn carts and then distilled in a huge antique still in the main town square in order to make ‘Aigua de Murta’. This myrtle water was used in medieval times as an astringent and antiseptic and was much in demand by pilgrims who travelled through Selva on their way to the famous monastery of Lluc.
The houses, streets and squares of Selva are decorated with herbs, plants and hand-painted banners relating to another important element of the celebration – the ‘Estol de ses Herbes’. This is a group of six characters from traditional Mallorcan folklore, each connected to a particular herb, who dance accompanied by Pau and Rosa, the Selva giants, and the ‘dimonis boiets’ (children dressed as little devils).