02 Feb

Fiestas de Carnaval Malaga 2012

There is rarely a month that goes by when the cities, towns and villages of Spain aren’t hosting some kind of celebration or fiesta. And whilst many other nations are still nursing a post-Christmas and New Year hangover, Spain in January and February is gearing up for yet another memorable celebration. Whilst it would be

30 Oct

Head to Mallorca in January 2012

Don’t let 6 January get you down and celebrate it on Mallorca in January 2012! Being the twelfth day of Christmas and traditionally the day we take the Christmas decorations down, the day the kids usually go back to school, the adults back to work, we start the post-Christmas diet and realise just how much

20 Oct

Barcelona Art Festival 2012

Barcelona lives and breathes art. You don’t have to walk for in this exciting and cosmopolitan city before you stumble across some kind of establishment dedicated to providing its visitors with insight into the many important influences in Catalan art. Whilst its devotion to being the ‘art capital of Spain’ and even beyond, makes Barcelona

18 Oct

The Carnival de Cadiz 2012

The Carnival de Cadiz 2012 – Where laughter is king…. The ancient and aesthetically stunning walled city of Cadiz is home to mainland Spain’s premier carnival. In early March, this usually tranquil yet atmospheric town in southern Andalucia is transformed into an effervescent scene of colour, laughter, music and spectacle, as life within these ancient