12 Oct
Ronda Spain

The beautiful sights of Ronda

Ronda can be found in the Sierras to the west of the province of Malaga. The drive from Algodonalesv to Ronda is considered to be one of the most beautiful drives to be found in Southern Spain. You have everything from mountains, river valleys and a large lake, to green fields carpeted with wild flowers

01 Feb

Cadiz Carnival 2015

Cádiz is the oldest inhabited city in Spain and one of the oldest in western Europe. Carnival declared of International Touristic Interest. Carnival 12 – 22 February

13 Oct

Mojacar and its white-washed pueblo: Andalucia’s stunning coastal secret

It is fairly safe to say, there aren’t many destinations in southern Spain that comprise of stunning stretches of sun-drenched sand, atmospheric cafes and bars, top class restaurants and a white-washed old-town clung majestically to a hillside, that aren’t teeming with tourists. If you did make this proclamation, you’d be almost right, but not quite.

11 Oct

Ca’n Trillo: The perfect accommodation in the Pollenca vicinity of Mallorca

Traditional yet modern would be an apt overall description of Ca’n Trillo. Located not far from the traditional town of Pollenca on the eastern end of Serra de Tramuntana, this beautiful villa sleeps up to six guests in comfort and luxury. The exterior and interior building design has been used to make houses like this

10 Oct

Three tasty Spanish tapas

Tapas are smallish dishes of Spanish-style food, which put great variety, flavour and interest onto the table. A little bit of this and a piece of that is the general idea. We have to admit tapas are most enjoyable when washed down with an ice-cold cerveza or a chilled glass of vino blanco. The great

06 Oct
Jerez de la Frontera

Jerez de la Frontera: European Wine City 2014

The Southern Spanish city of Jerez de la Frontera is a real privilege to visit. As well as its famous Flamenco dancing and internationally-admired white Andalucian horses gracing the surrounding countryside, this traditional yet elegant town also has more than its fair share of magnificent buildings. Though we have to admit Jerez’s most famous association