28 Dec

Discovering Corfu’s picturesque town of Nissaki

Nissaki means ‘Little Island’ and several hundred years ago the town of Nissaki on Corfu was exactly that, a little island. The local people worked, shaping stones and local rocks transported by boat to the island. The stones were mainly used for building work. Eventually the chippings, over many years formed the beginnings of a

02 Dec
Epiphany in Spain

A look at how Epiphany is celebrated in Spain

Epiphany is celebrated around the world, but in Spain it takes on somewhat more importance. Although Santa Claus has made recent inroads, the ‘Three Kings Day’ has been a part of Spanish culture, celebrated since the end of the 2nd century, in one form or another. On January 6th the Spanish celebrate the visit of

30 Jun

Greece – Let’s give them our support

If you are currently on one of the splendid Islands within Greece, you will probably be enjoying a wonderful holiday, with glorious weather, eating fabulous food and engaging in chatter with the locals. Okay, some of the chatter may revolve around the current Greek situation but the main chatter will be fun, humorous, courteous and